Project name: gigas-WGBS-ploidy-desiccation
Funding source: unknown
Species: Crassostrea gigas
variable: ploidy, desiccation, high temperature

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This is continuation of the WGBS analysis I’ve been running on Ronit’s data. The previous post can be found here. Last time I looked at the MultiQC report and quantified differences in %mCpG between diploid and triploid cgigas after desiccation at 27C for 24hrs.

List of the progress so far:

  1. Completed bismark on mox. The output was then transferred to gannet by running the rsync command as outlined in the previous post. The output is available here.
  2. The MultiQC report can be found here.
  3. Moved

Goal for today:

Use MethylKit to identify differentially methylated loci (DMLs) between diploid and triploid cgigas after desiccation stress. I’ll be following Yaamini’s walkthrough in this post to process *.deduplicated.sorted.bam files, running an modified version of this R markdown file that produces results using 1x, 3x, and 5x coverage.

Step 1: Get MethylKit installed

My R file can be found here. After some version compatibility issues, I was able to get “devtools” and “methylkit” installed and up-to-date by running R Studio as an administrator and running the following code chunk, opting to update all:

install.packages("devtools") #Install the devtools package
library(devtools) #Load devtools

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(version = "3.12")

BiocManager::install(c("GenomicFeatures", "AnnotationDbi","methylKit"))

library(methylKit) #Load methylkit

browseVignettes("methylKit") #methylKit manual

The important part seemed to be to install BiocManager version 3.12, as it is compatible with R version 4.0.4.

Step 2: Set paths to *.deduplicated.sorted.bam files

The next step was to generate a list of files (and their locations) to be analyzed. Since my files were on gannet in this folder and I plan on running the R script locally for the time being, I downloaded the files on my spare local data drive (E:/). From there, I mapped the location as follows:

analysisFiles <- list("E:/bam_files/zr3534_1_R1.fastp-trim.20201202_bismark_bt2_pe.deduplicated.sorted.bam",

This approach isn’t really ideal - I should figure out a way to import directly from gannet in the future.

Step 3: Create sampleID list and treatment variable

Next I used this quick and dirty script to generate names (just numbers 1-10 for now), and treatmentSpecifications (0=diploid,1=triploid)

sample.IDs <- list("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10") #Create list of sample IDs
treatmentSpecification <- c(rep(0, times = 5), rep(1, times = 5)) # Specify which treatment the samples were from. All animals were subjected to desiccation. 0 = diploid, 1 = triploid

Step 4: Run processBismarkAln

Next I will run processBismarkAln to set different coverage metrics (1x, 3x, and 5x) in the ‘mincov’ argument, using the folloiwng code.

processedFilesCov1 <- processBismarkAln(location = analysisFiles, = sample.IDs, assembly = "v3", read.context = "CpG", mincov = 1, treatment = treatmentSpecification) #Process files for CpG methylation using 1x coverage. First 5 files were diploid, and the second 5 are triploid.

This chunk was run with mincov = 1, 3, or 5. This step took a long time! On my desktop machine (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz), it averaged 1 sample every 30 mins.

I know that Yaamini is working on a mox script for this step. I’ll link it here when/if she finishes it.