Project name: Berdahl-sockeye-salmon
Funding source: unknown
Species: Oncorhynchus nerka
variable: behavior: territorial, social

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  1. 30 sockeye salmon sampled; 1-15: territorial, 16-30: social
  2. brain, liver, and gonad saved in RNAlater - frozen at -80C
  3. RNA extracted - see github issues: 1 and 2
  4. RNA submitted to UT Austin GSAF on 5/24 for Tag-seq. Received gonad samples on 7/25. See github issue.
  5. Gave go ahead to GSAF to complete rest of tagseq on 8/12.

Tag-seq analysis - Gonad Samples

I received Tag-seq results from GSAF. Raw sequences were processed using the this R script.

Raw sequences were downloaded from Gannet:

# Download tag-seq data
wget -r \
--no-directories --no-parent \
-P . \
-A .fastq.gz \

Fastqc was run before and after trimming (hard trim first 15 bps):

# trim adapter sequences
mkdir trim-fastq/
cd /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/berdahl-sockeye-salmon/raw-data/
for F in *.fastq
#strip .fastq and directory structure from each file, then
# add suffice .trim to create output name for each file
results_file="$(basename -a $F)"
# -u 15 : hard trim first 15 bp
# -m 20 : minimum length cutoff
# run cutadapt on each file
/home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/.local/bin/cutadapt $F -a A{8} -a G{8} -a AGATCGG -u 15 -m 20 -o \

and concatenating by sequencing lane:

# concatenate fastq files by lane
mkdir merged-fastq
cd trim-fastq/
printf '%s\n' *.fastq | sed 's/^\([^_]*_[^_]*\).*/\1/' | uniq |
while read prefix; do
    cat "$prefix"*R1*.fastq >"${prefix}_R1.fastq"
    # cat "$prefix"*R2*.fastq >"${prefix}_R2.fastq" # include if more than one run
# I moved files to merged-fastq

Sequences were aligned to the O. nerka genome using hisat2 (a splice aware aligner):

# create hisat2 index for cgigas genome (took 31 min on Raven)
/home/shared/hisat2-2.2.1/hisat2-build \
-f /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/berdahl-sockeye-salmon/sequences/GCF_006149115.2_Oner_1.1_genomic.fna /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/berdahl-sockeye-salmon/sequences/hisat2_genome_index.fa # called the reference genome (scaffolds)
# Run hisat2 on trimmed reads
mkdir hisat2_sam/
mkdir hisat2_bam/
cd /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/berdahl-sockeye-salmon/merged-fastq/
# This script exports alignments as bam files
# sorts the bam file because Stringtie takes a sorted file for input (--dta)
# removes the sam file because it is no longer needed
array=($(ls *.fastq)) # call the sequences - make an array to align
for i in ${array[@]}; do
       sample_name=`echo $i| awk -F [.] '{print $1}'`
	/home/shared/hisat2-2.2.1/hisat2 \
	  -p 16 \
	  --dta \
	  -x /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/berdahl-sockeye-salmon/sequences/hisat2_genome_index.fa \
	  -U ${i} \
	  -S /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/berdahl-sockeye-salmon/hisat2_sam/${sample_name}.sam

	  /home/shared/samtools-1.12/samtools sort -@ 8 -o                /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/berdahl-sockeye-salmon/hisat2_bam/${sample_name}.bam /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/berdahl-sockeye-salmon/hisat2_sam/${sample_name}.sam
    		echo "${i} bam-ified!"
        # rm ${sample_name}.sam
done >> hisat2out.txt 2>&1

The average alignment rate was 88.656 +/- 2.21 sd (after trim/filter).

Next, I downloaded the genome features from ncbi (stored on gannet)

# Download sequences from gannet
cd sequences/
wget -r \
--no-directories --no-parent \
-P . \
-A GCF_006149115.2_Oner_1.1_genomic.gff \
wget -r \
--no-directories --no-parent \
-P . \
-A GCF_006149115.2_Oner_1.1_genomic.fna \

and generated a mRNA genome feature track file (.gff) using the following code:

# Generate mRNA feature track from genomic_sequence
head sequences/GCF_006149115.2_Oner_1.1_genomic.gff
grep -e "Gnomon	mRNA" -e "RefSeq	mRNA" -e "cmsearch	mRNA" -e "tRNAscan-SE	mRNA" \
sequences/GCF_006149115.2_Oner_1.1_genomic.gff \
| /home/shared/bedtools2/bin/sortBed \
-faidx sequences/GCF_006149115.2_Oner_1.1_genomic-sequence-lengths.txt \
> sequences/GCF_006149115.2_Oner_1.1_mRNA.gff
head sequences/GCF_006149115.2_Oner_1.1_mRNA.gff

I then used StringTie2 to assmble the hist2 alignments using the mRNA feature track I just generated:

# Assemble hisat2 alignments w/ stringtie2 using mRNA genome feature track
array=($(ls /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/berdahl-sockeye-salmon/hisat2_bam/*.bam))
for i in ${array[@]}; do
        sample_name=`echo $i| awk -F [.] '{print $1}'`
	      /home/shared/stringtie-2.2.1.Linux_x86_64/stringtie \
	      -p 48 \
	      -e \
	      -B \
	      -G /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/berdahl-sockeye-salmon/sequences/GCF_006149115.2_Oner_1.1_mRNA.gff \
	      -A ${sample_name} \
	      -o ${sample_name}.gtf ${i} \
        echo "StringTie assembly for seq file ${i}" $(date)
echo "StringTie assembly COMPLETE, starting assembly analysis" $(date)
# 20220607 - I could not figure out how to designate the output. All outputs ended up in bowtie output folder.

The resulting bam files were then merged and compiled to generate the gene count matrix. The Gene count matrix was then used an in input to DESEQ2 analysis.

cd /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/berdahl-sockeye-salmon/hisat2_bam
# make gtf list file (needed for stringtie merge function)
for filename in *.gtf; do
  echo $PWD/$filename;
  done > gtf_list.txt
# make listGTF file (needed for count matrix), two columns w/ sample ID
for filename in *.gtf; do
  echo $filename $PWD/$filename;
  done > listGTF.txt
# merge GTFs into a single file
/home/shared/stringtie-2.2.1.Linux_x86_64/stringtie \
  --merge \
  -p 48 \
	-G /home/shared/8TB_HDD_02/mattgeorgephd/berdahl-sockeye-salmon/sequences/GCF_006149115.2_Oner_1.1_mRNA.gff \
	-o onerka_merged.gtf gtf_list.txt #Merge GTFs to form $
echo "Stringtie merge complete" $(date)
# Compute accuracy of gff
# gffcompare -r ../../../refs/Panopea-generosa-v1.0.a4.mRNA_SJG.gff3 -G -o merged Pgenerosa_merged.gtf #Compute the accuracy and pre$
# echo "GFFcompare complete, Starting gene count matrix assembly..." $(date)
# Compile gene count matrix from GTFs
/home/shared/stringtie-2.2.1.Linux_x86_64/ \
  -g onerka_gene_count_matrix.csv \
  -i listGTF.txt #Compile the gene count matrix
echo "Gene count matrix compiled." $(date)